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It was already a beautiful setting, our ferry chugging slowly through the Sea of Marmara towards the Bosphorus, the vast waterway that runs through the centre of Istanbul. But when cellist Jari Piper struck up the first notes [...] it was like being transported into Walt Disney’s Fantasia.

-The Guardian


"I kept looking for some kind of electronic boost, but couldn't see anything[...] Jari Piper demonstrate[s] a remarkable range of audio acrobatics>"

-Anchorage Daily News

“He likes to tell stories and give histories of the works he performs[...]A show with Jari Piper is a bit like attending a favorite professor's best lecture. He is animated and engaging, but in an earnest manner that is impossible to fake.”

-61° North Magazine


Read more

Jari Piper  | Cellist


Read: The Guardian's article about Jari Piper

Check out: Jari Piper recently premiered Racing Thoughts by Joel Jarventausta, listen to his work

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